Struggling to get more paying clients?


Welcome to BOOK to BUSINESS™

Turning READERS into PAYING CLIENTS is what we do best!


What Makes You Stand Out?

This is what most coaches get wrong. What they think makes them stand out is NOT what actually makes them stand out. In other words...


It's NOT your elevator pitch! 

The problem with elevator pitches is that they are BORING. They're all about YOU. Talking about YOU is never going to make you stand out.


It's NOT your niche!

A niche is about the people in your audience. It's who you serve. No matter how lucrative your niche is, if you don't know how to stand out in it, it won't matter. You'll remain unseen and unheard despite your niche. 


It's NOT your website!

If your website isn't programmed to make you stand out, you can be sure visitors will skedaddle within seconds.


What makes you stand out is determined by how "TRADEMARKABLE" you are.

Hey there, I'm Lin Eleoff, founder of BOOK to BUSINESS™ and, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you have to run out and find a lawyer to put a trademark on something (I'm a lawyer, so believe me when I say that is NOT what you need to do right now). 
But there is ONE THING you absolutely must do above all else... figure out how to be something more than melting vanilla ice cream because no matter how delicious it is, vanilla ice cream is always at the bottom of a sundae.

Do you think you could you pass the "trademark test"?

If you're thinking of writing a book that will turn readers into paying clients, you simply must know the answer to that question; otherwise, you'll keep chasing clients. 

Wouldn't you rather have clients chase you instead? 

Click that button below to find out if what you've got going on is remarkable enough to pass the trademark test, i.e., trademarkable!

Book a free BOOK to BUSINESS call and let's find out... 

Am I "trademarkable"?
"I believe when a woman writes a book, she brings to life the untold story of the rest of her life, the part where she builds a business that changes everything."Â